Hey kite surfing buddies!
I’m thrilled to share with you the latest fresh news from the world of kite surfing. Get ready for a dose of adrenaline because the lineup for the incredible Lords of Tram event in Barcarès, France has been revealed! Yes, it’s time to get excited!
Event Date:
What’s going on? Well, from March 30th to April 28th, Barcarès will become the global epicenter of kite surfing as the sport’s giants gather to compete in the Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour. It’s the second consecutive year that the event hosts the titans of the Big Air discipline!
The Riders…
Who’s in the game? The best Big Air kite surfing athletes from all over the world are gearing up to defy gravity and compete in Lords of Tram. From the current world champion, Italy’s Andrea Principi, to emerging talents like France’s Angely Bouillot, everyone is ready to give it their all on the arena!

Andrea Principi
Liam Whaley
Lorenzo Casati
Cohan va Dijk
Giel Vlugt
Jamie Overbeek
Josué San
Marc Jacobs
Jeremy Burlando
Luca Ceruti
Jason van der Spuy
Aaron Hadlow
Stino Mul
Edgar Ulrich
Julian Huynh
Arthur Guillebert
Clement Huot
Valentin Garat
Nathan Texier
Evan Klijn
Leonardo Casati
Martin Rahnel
Shahar Tsabary
Ruben Moreno
Nathalie Lambrecht
Angely Bouillot
Zara Hoogenraad
Justine Avril
Francesca Maini
Pippa van Iersel
Jasmine Cho
Sarah Sadek
Lana Herman
Svenja Peters
Alessa Mensch
With high expectations:
What can we expect? This event promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions. With names like Arthur Guillebert and Marc Jacobs on the list, the competition will be fiercer than ever. And let’s not forget the brave six French riders, could they bring glory home?
Pure excitement:
The excitement is in the air! And with a month’s margin to choose the perfect conditions, we can expect pure spectacle. From the mighty winds of the Pyrenees to the serene waters of the Barcarès lagoon, everything is set for an epic battle!
Venue Information: Barcarès
Wind: The tramontane blowing from the north or northwest offshore is the best. The location has no tides, with flat waters and temperatures from 10 to 20 °C.
The best wind for Big Air is from 25 to 40 knots. (In Windguru, the perfect forecast is 25 knots, with gusts of 30 to 35 knots, with gusts as a benchmark for true wind).
The wind usually exceeds by 5 to 10 knots the forecast, especially if the air temperature is cold.
Venue Specifics: The wind heads towards the corner of the jump area, so riders can often jump three to five meters higher than usual.
The jump area has deep waters, making it safer in case of accidents.
The best seasons for the Tramontane are from March to June and from September to December. During the summer, the warm weather in southern France can alter the pattern.
500 meters away, the location has two cable parks: a full-size Téléski Nautique and the Sailor Wakepark “ida y vuelta.” Just one kilometer away, there’s a full-size indoor and outdoor skatepark: Shakapark.
At the competition venue, there’s a bar-restaurant, The Spott, and a Duotone brand kite surfing school, Surf&Kite.
So mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience. See you at Lords of Tram, friends!
Fuente: GKA Kite world tour
Img: GKA Kite World Tour
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