Green light for FULL POWER TARIFA 2024!

full power tarifa kitesurf competition

Excitement is in the air, and the waves are ready to welcome the best kitesurfers!

full power tarifa 2024

Tarifa, the European capital of wind, is gearing up for the most electrifying kitesurfing event of the year, and you can’t miss it.

From May 6th to 9th, competitors will face off in an epic battle, showcasing to the world why Tarifa is the place where kitesurfing dreams come true. The wind will blow strong, but the spirits will be even higher as riders challenge each other for the podium.

After a year-long pause, FULL POWER TARIFA is back, stronger than ever. So don’t miss a single trick, jump, or spin.

Trailer for FULL POWER TARIFA 2022

Get ready to witness an unforgettable show.

Follow all the action in real time on the event’s official website and on Instagram. They’ll keep you updated with the best images, results, and news! Connect, invite your friends, and join the most vibrant kitesurfing community.

See you in Tarifa!

Apuntate y  disfruta junto a nosotros.

Siguenos en @rebels_tarifa

Disfruta el kitesurf en Tarifa con #RebelsTarifa


Mail: [email protected]
Whatsapp Rebels Tarifa: +34 628 480 100

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