Adaptive Kitesurfing: The story of Pep Plomer and his passion for Kiteboarding.

kitesurf adaptado a personas con discapacidades

Pep Plomer is a guy from Mallorca who loves the outdoors, especially the sea and everything related to water sports. He lives near the coast, and for him, there’s nothing like the thrill of a good day of kitesurfing. For Pep, kitesurfing isn’t just a hobby; it’s a way of life. He enjoys the preparation, the butterflies in his stomach before hitting the water, and the feeling of satisfaction as he rides the waves. To him, that’s happiness.

Everything changed when an accident left him paraplegic. He could have given up on everything he loved, but that’s not who Pep is. He immediately started looking for ways to keep doing what he loved. He found inspiration and proof on social media and YouTube that it was possible. “Yes, I can!” he thought. “Even though I’m now in a wheelchair, I’ll adapt. I have a goal.”

Along the way, Pep met Marc Álvarez, a sailing and water sports instructor who was also looking for something different. Marc was tired of always teaching the same thing and wanted a new challenge. That’s how they started working together to make kitesurfing accessible for people with disabilities.

It wasn’t easy. There were stressful moments, trial and error, but Pep never thought about giving up. “You have to keep going,” he told himself. “For every hard moment, there are two good ones.” And he was right. Little by little, things began to click. Marc and Pep found a way to work together, always with a joke, always high-fiving while they surfed. They looked out for each other, each with their own style, but always with the same goal: to enjoy kitesurfing.

Now, Pep doesn’t need as much support to surf. He’s out on the water, confident and happy, doing what he loves. Whenever he meets someone going through tough times, he tells them, “Don’t focus on the bad moments. Good things are coming.” And Pep knows that as long as you keep going and don’t give up, the wind will always carry you to something better.

You can watch his documentary “Acceso al Paraíso“, where he shares his story and motivation in person.

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